栄養士が教える「90-30-50ダイエット」とは? 2ヶ月で7キロ減も夢ではない


2023/12/02 20:00


クリスマスや年末年始が続くこの季節、「太ってしまった」と嘆く人はかなり多い。そこで今、栄養士が教えるダイエット方法が世間の関心を集めていることを、アメリカの『NEW YORK POST』やイギリスの『Daily Mail』が報じた。


関連記事:マツキヨで見つけたプロテインスナック 意外な食感で小腹を満たすのに最適すぎる





関連記事:ブラマヨ小杉、糖質制限で30kg減量も… 薄毛には悪影響と知りショック





関連記事:マツキヨで見つけたプロテインスナック 意外な食感で小腹を満たすのに最適すぎる





関連記事:つるの剛士、ジムのトレーニング姿に感嘆の声 「尊敬」「ストイック」




関連記事:つるの剛士、ジムのトレーニング姿に感嘆の声 「尊敬」「ストイック」

関連記事:ブラマヨ小杉、糖質制限で30kg減量も… 薄毛には悪影響と知りショック



The 90-30-50 method has been a total game-changer on my health journey. Comment *90-30-50* and I will send you my FREE guide to getting Fit & Festive in 4 Weeks with my 90-30-50 method ✨ For YEARS I followed restrictive diets and was SO frustrated at my lack of progress. My thyroid levels were extremely imbalanced (my TSH was 18 before starting this method!!!), I had so many cravings, was always tired and I had such a hard time losing weight. Since then, I’ve completely transformed my nutrition plan to follow the 90-30-50 method: – 90 grams of protein – 30 grams of fiber – 50 grams of healthy fats Together, these nutrients work to increase metabolism, support fat-burning processes, promote satiety, balance blood sugar & increase lean muscle mass: ALL of which support optimal health & weight loss goals. Now, my energy levels are high, cravings are non-existent & my body fat percentage is down 2% since last year. Not to mention my Hashimoto’s is currently in remission. I’ve continue to follow this method for over a year now and have been able to maintain these goals. Now, I hope hundreds of clients reach their health & weight loss goals with this method, too. Ready to get started?! Here’s how 👇🏻 ✨ Fall Reset Program (FULL PROGRAM includes meal plans, supplement recommendations, downloadable resources, videos & more to guide you through the program) is 30% off! All plans follow the 90-30-50 method! ✨ Fall Reset Program (MEAL PLANS ONLY; no additional resources) is 10% off! All plans follow the 90-30-50 method! ✨ Winter Reset Program (MEAL PLANS ONLY; no additional resources; access to plans begins on 12/4) is 10% off! All plans follow the 90-30-50 method! First 🔗 in bio for more information about pricing & what’s included in the Fall Reset OR DM me ‘FALL RESET’ for more information about the program!! #bloodsugarbalance #hormonebalance #weightlosstips #weightlosstipsforwomen #highproteindiet #903050 #weightlossplan #mealplanning #hormoneimbalance #signsofhormoneimbalance #pcosweightloss #prediabetes #insulinresistance

♬ exes – Tate McRae

・合わせて読みたい→マツキヨで見つけたプロテインスナック 意外な食感で小腹を満たすのに最適すぎる

(文/Sirabee 編集部・桜田 ルイ

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